Rick turns his compelling ideas into best-selling books.
Inspiring Leaders and Improving Business
Rick is a well-known business and leadership author who transforms readers’ professional lives and radically changes how businesses operate. His forthcoming book, The Great Disruption: Competing and Surviving in the Second Wave of the Industrial Revolution, shows how 3D printing and other advanced manufacturing methods are driving a shift to on-demand distributed manufacturing and the rise of virtual inventory. He is the author of two Wall Street Journal national bestselling books, The 5 Patterns of Extraordinary Careers (Random House, 2003), and The Leap (Penguin, 2009), both of which reached #1 on the Amazon business bestseller list and have been translated into more than 13 languages.

The Great Disruption: Competing and Surviving in the Second Wave of the Industrial Revolution
Rick reveals how 3D printing manufacturing will transform the world in the same way that Henry Ford’s Model T upended transportation or Gutenberg’s printing press started an information revolution. It traces both the impact of this disruption as it rapidly spreads around the world and affects every kind of industry imaginable. In exploring this radical future, The Great Disruption shows how we can position ourselves to successfully navigate this historic shift to our greatest benefit.

The Leap
Can anyone make a similar leap to surprising new heights of career success and satisfaction? Yes, maintains Rick Smith. In his eye-opening book, Smith dispels the myths that keep us trapped in our current okay-but-average lives. He lays out the three powerful yet simple steps needed to break out of the trap. And he illustrates each step with compelling examples of previously ordinary people (including himself) who have achieved extraordinary results in fields as diverse as health care, retailing, community service, and fashion.

The 5 Patterns of Extraordinary Careers The Guide for Achieving Success and Satisfaction
The 5 Patterns of Extraordinary Careers reveals the subtle yet powerful factors that determine career success: why some people ascend to the top and prosper, while others equally talented never reach their expectations. The idea that there are patterns in extraordinary careers is not conventional wisdom. Many believe that success is the result of either luck or larceny. It turns out that extraordinary careers follow a strikingly consistent trajectory, marked by five distinct patterns that distinguish the very top from the rest of the pack.